"For perspective, here is a review of the odds:
- 2.4% Covid age 80+
- 1.1% by suicide
- 1% by opioid overdose
- .9% tripping
- .9% motor vehicle crash
- .6% Covid age 70-79
- .2% Covid age 60-69
- .3% gun-crime
- .07% Covid age 50-59
- .06% in a fire
- .04% choking
- .02% Covid age 40-49
- .01% sunstroke
- .01% ???
- .007% Covid age 30-49
- .007% electrocution
- .002% Covid 20-29
- .001% mauled by dog
- .001% stung to death by wasps
- .0005% Covid age 10-19
- .0007% struck by lightening
- .0001% Covid age 5-9