freaking stupid truck driver in a big rig tried to pass me on the two-way highway . I was driving the speed limit and as he passed there were cars coming and he was NOT going nearly fast enough to make a safe pass - so either he had to back off and return behind me but he wasn't going to do back down OR there literally would have been some sort of collision if I had not actually slammed my brakes to allow him in , and that's NOT the way you're supposed to pass .
If you're NOT able to pass safely with enough speed you don't make the other driver slow down to allow you to pass- that was really BAD driving. I wish I had gotten his license plate to report him. he could have caused a serious deadly accident .
And this road has a lot of wildlife and there are tourists driving up and down it going the speed limit , but there's locals & truckers who want to go faster. They've been down this road so many times they get angry behind you. It's very frustrating.
I wish they'd go somewhere else if they don't like driving down this road. I mean if you live in Florida you got to get used to being around tourists otherwise you better move somewhere else.
And then I also saw a dead turtle 🐢 on the road which is another proof of overly-aggressive driving - if you can't avoid a turtle crossing the road you know you're driving too fast , or alternatively they intentionally hit it and you're a sick puppy if you're TRYING to kill a turtle with your truck. slow down . There was a dead alligator 🐊 as well