My Blog List

Thursday, September 19, 2024

"It's confirmed: COVID-19 pandemic was preventable * " 

There can be, in our view, little doubt that China's government is primarily responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. But for the unique pathologies of the Chinese state, there very likely would have been no pandemic at all."

Saturday, August 31, 2024

👍"Judge rules RFK Jr. can sue Biden administration over alleged censorship of charity that questions vaccines" 

"A federal judge ruled Tuesday Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. can sue the Biden administration over alleged social media censorship of his Children's Health Defense charity, which questions the safety of vaccines.

"The Court finds that Kennedy is likely to succeed on his claim that suppression of content posted was caused by actions of Government Defendants, and there is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future," U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Louisiana said in a ruling._

Friday, August 30, 2024

"'Bone-chilling': Data expert says COVID shots triggered explosive surge in kidney failures " 

"Analysis shows 155,000 additional deaths reported after mRNA shots were unleashed on public....As Beaudoin explains in a new interview, excess death is the figure above the expected baseline, not the total, meaning an extra 155k Americans died from AKI," the report said...."

Sunday, August 25, 2024

after firing so many who objected to COVID injection scam "Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Post-COVID Manpower Issues" 

after firing so many who objected to COVID injection scam "Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Post-COVID Manpower Issues"

"Additional Proof Emerges Implicating Dr. Fauci's Direct Involvement in the Beagle Experiments "– RedState 

 "the latest revelations provided to RedState from the WCW, the outfit obtained emails from that lab in Tunisia through a FOIA court filing showing that Dr. Fauci funded this testing. The emails were dated the same day that Fauci was issuing denials to the media. In another piece of damning evidence, the WCW has also found that Dr. Fauci had been using a personal email account to discuss these matters in a bid to dodge FOIA requests, a violation of federal law. All the denials by Fauci and the efforts to disconnect the NIAID from these experiments are shown to be fraudulent..."

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Thanks to First Liberty Institute 👍"VICTORY: Navy Reaches Settlement With Sailors Who Refused COVID Vaccines " 

Thanks to First Liberty Institute 👍"VICTORY: Navy Reaches Settlement With Sailors Who Refused COVID Vaccines "

"Ted Macie shared his thoughts on X, saying the case saved his Naval career. Macie was one of 231 people who signed the Declaration of Military Accountability regarding the handling of the COVID vaccine mandate for members of the military..."

"Trump saved Dr. Ben Carson’s life….He almost died from Covid " 

"WATCH: Dr. Ben Carson reveals that he almost died from contradicting a dangerous strain of Covid, but Trump's "Right To Try" policy saved his life because it allowed him to get monoclonal antibodies before FDA approval "I was on the verge of death…" "He called every day to ask how I was doing; he always was looking after me."

Saturday, July 27, 2024

"5 states reportedly suing Pfizer over COVID jab " 

"Five states – Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana – suing Pfizer for knowing and concealing the vaccine causing myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths. That's 10% of U.S. states. The tide is turning," Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said..."

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some are concerned about Vance friendliness with COVID vax "JD Vance’s company has an investment in AmpifyBio, a company developing mRNA "

"We were told, do not give COVID patients Ibuprofen. We were not told why. .." 

"I just think I'm starting to put I know it's 4 years later, but I swear to god just now, today, like, I was literally on the boat and just put 2 and 2 together. I was like, wait a damn minute. They told us not to give people with COVID Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is a blood thinner. A lot of people passed away of blood clots, which could have potentially been avoided by a blood thinner."

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024

"Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction "

"Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit" 

SHAME ON LAUSD 😡👎: "What 9th Circuit Ruling Reinstating Challenge to LAUSD's Employee Vaccine Mandate Means "

"In the decision Judge Ryan D. Nelson ( a Trump appointee ), detailed the unimpressive and unethical tactics used by LAUSD and its attorneys. Hamill writes:
OH MY. "According to a declaration submitted by Plaintiffs' counsel, LAUSD's attorney turned to him as they were leaving the courtroom and [snarkily] said, "What are you going to do when we rescind the mandate?" 

That same day, LAUSD's Superintendent (the Superintendent) submitted to the LAUSD Board (the Board) of Education a proposal to repeal the mandate. Twelve days later, (the Board) voted to rescind the Policy by a six to one vote, with one abstention. This lawsuit was mentioned by members of the public at the meeting of the Board. Indeed, one commenter played excerpts from the publicly available audio recording of the oral argument in this court." THIS IS IN THE DECISION. Brutal for LAUSD and its lawyers." 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Liz Churchill on X: "The 9th Circuit has decided the ‘Covid Vaccine’ is NOT A VACCINE. 

"The 9th Circuit has decided the 'Covid Vaccine' is NOT A VACCINE. Plaintiffs can now use this as cases go forward. Buckle up, Pfizer and Moderna. You're guilty of Mass Murder."" / X

Monday, May 20, 2024

"Where do major US religions stand on the COVID-19 vaccination? | "

"Dutch Reformed Church
Though it is not an official church stance, many members opt out of vaccination because they believe that vaccines can interfere with their relationship with God by making them less dependent. The church has not made a specific statement about the COVID-19 vaccine." 

anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis : "COVID-19 And Vax Contributed To Increase In Rare Autoimmune Disease In 2021: Study | "

"The disease—melanoma differentiation-associated protein-5 (anti-MDA5) positive dermatomyositis, or anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis—is an inflammatory disease characterized by muscle weakness, skin rashes, and rapidly progressive lung disease..." 

"Ex-CDC Director Says It's High Time To Admit 'Significant Side Effects' Of COVID-19 Vaccines" | ZeroHedge

"Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines ... we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated," Dr. Redfield said.

They're important for the most vulnerable people, those over 60, 65 years of age. They really aren't that critical for those that are under 50 or younger. But those vaccines saved a lot of lives, but they also—we have to be honest, some people got significant side effects from the vaccine," he said.

"I have a number of people that are quite ill and they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine," he continued. "And we just have to acknowledge that." 

Friday, April 19, 2024

"Hand Sanitizers Could Damage Critical Supporting Cells in the Brain "–

"Not only does this suggest that QACs cross the blood-brain barrier, but they may also cause damage to oligodendrocytes in the brain..

Damage to oligodendrocytes, which act similar to insulation around electrical wires, can lead to several neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis...

Beyond damage to brain cells, QACs are also linked to multiple adverse health outcomes.." 

Monday, April 8, 2024

"COVID jabs saved ZERO lives while killing many, scientist warns"

"Rancourt and several fellow scientists conducted an analysis of COVID injection data in which they determined that all-cause mortality increased every time another COVID jab was released, whether it was the initial series or a subsequent "booster" shot..." 

Dr. Bossche warns: "Here comes the “massive, massive tsunami” of DEATH & destruction from... the covid vaccines

"The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world," Bossche explained.

"It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society – financial, economic, social, you name it – will be complete. And that is what I'm very clearly predicting." 

Monday, April 1, 2024

"38 chaplains ask Supremes to stop U.S. military from punishing faith "

"The case, Alvarado v. Austin, how is pending before U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and concerns the decision by the Department of Defense to continue defying the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act that rescinded the military's COVID shot mandate.." 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

"Journalist Ian Vandaelle Who Demanded Concentration Camps for Unvaccinated, Dead at 33 - "

"..corporate media journalist, who controversially demanded that unvaccinated members of the public be taken away to concentration camps, has died at just 33 years old..." 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

"Top cardiologist: 47-fold increase in severe myocarditis after Covid “vaccinations”

"Top cardiologist: 47-fold increase in severe myocarditis after Covid "vaccinations"

In addition, since the introduction of Covid-19 injections, the number of strokes has doubled and the number of thromboembolic diseases has increased overall..." 

Friday, February 9, 2024

"mRNA vaccines are extremely toxic, Moderna scientists now warn "

"A major challenge now is how to efficiently de-risk potential toxicities associated with mRNA technology," the scientists wrote, adding that the toxicity risks include "lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs." 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

"Classified documents prove SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab – and the FBI has known about this since March 2020 "

"The documents were obtained by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) showing U.S. scientists were planning to work with scientists from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to develop novel coronaviruses may "explain why no one has been able to find the SARS2 virus infesting a colony of bats," according to Nicholas Wade, former science editor for the New York Times.." 

Monday, February 5, 2024

Sunday, February 4, 2024

"mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Study "

"The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36 percent higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group (compared to placebo) … The Moderna trial exhibited a 6 percent higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group," the analysis stated..." 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

"Judge Orders CDC To Release 7.8 Million Text-Based Responses Submitted To V-Safe - Reveals The Extent Of "Vaccine" Injuries - "

"More than 7.8 million records were submitted by more than 10 million V-safe users concerning injuries received after taking the fraudulently called "safe and effective" COVID "vaccine" through the V-Safe smartphone tool used for reporting..." 

"COVID-19 strain kills 100% of infected mice in Chinese lab: study"

"In a Wuhan-esque study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant COVID-19 strain that is 100% lethal to "humanized" mice.

The deadly virus — known as GX_P2V — attacked the brains of mice that were engineered to reflect genetic makeup similar to people, .." 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Sunday, January 14, 2024

"Pfizer to Make Billions from Treating 'Heart Failure Pandemic'", WHICH THEY CAUSED 👎😠

"This includes a major $6.7 billion cash acquisition of Arena Pharmaceuticals, a firm specializing in developing treatments, particularly for heart inflammation conditions like myocarditis and pericarditis..." 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

"Shot Dead The Movie "– The Burning Platform

"Shot Dead The Movie," tells the heartbreaking stories of children who died after receiving COVID-19 shots. Their parents are left behind to pick up the pieces, wondering how and why a shot they were assured was safe took the lives of their children, ranging in age from newborn to 18..." 

Friday, January 12, 2024

"Former Bill Gates vaccine scientist predicts sharp population decline: “up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries” | WLT Report

"You may recall that before the jabs were unleashed under Operation Warp Speed, Bossche was warning that unleashing a so-called "vaccine" right in the middle of a "pandemic" was a really bad idea, for this reason specifically...." 

"Life Expectancy of Americans Plummets after Covid Vax Rollout -" News Addicts

*"Analysis shows mRNA shots could shorten lifespan by 24 years

While some experts try to argue that people aren't dying off due to COVID-19 vaccines, no one can dispute the rise in young people experiencing heart attacks..." 

Saturday, December 16, 2023



"..comparable finding about highly vaccinated healthcare workers: 'Both the absolute sick days and the rate of HCWs on sick leave SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED with each subsequent VACCINATION.."

Monday, December 4, 2023

Friday, December 1, 2023

"Has Neuroscience Found the Key to What Caused Zombie Nation? "

"Dr. Nehls argues that the spike protein, along with other COVID measures, represents an intentional attack on the human hippocampus—where autobiographical memory and individuality itself originate—and that "fear porn" keeps us from holding on to the autobiographical memories that encompass our former selves. As a result, humans have become deindividualized, more suggestible, more forgetful, more compliant, and less able to engage in critical thinking and creative reasoning.." 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

" Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: "

"US Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO)" 

Friday, November 24, 2023

"Nearly 75% Of Americans NOT Worried About Getting 'Seriously Sick' From COVID-19: KFF Survey"

"Stand Up And Fight For The Children No Longer Able To Fight For Themselves"

"There are more Americans who say they have serious cognitive problems — with remembering, concentrating or making decisions — than at any time in the last 15 years, data from the Census Bureau shows. 

"It's not just fog, it's a brain injury, basically," said Dr. Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, chair of rehabilitation medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. "There are neurovascular changes. There's inflammation. There are changes on MRI's ..."